观看记录 清空
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    • 明星
    10.0 HD




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    On a remote island off the west coast of Scotland in 1846 a heavy storm hits, causing a ship to sink. Three survivors row through a thick early morning mist, lost and disorientated. The mist begins to clear and The Isle appears before them. They soon discover that it is almost abandoned except for four sole residents: an old harbour man, a farmer, his niece and a young mad woman. Once rested and recovered the sailors are desperate to leave and return to the mainland, but the promised boat never appears. One of them starts to investigate and learns of a tragedy at sea that occurred five years previously causing several young men from the island to perish. When his two shipmates meet with accidents, the myth of a ghostly siren haunting the island leads him to uncover the truth whilst he battles to save his own life.


    • 6.0 更新HD 患醒 艾瑞克·托马森,萨拉·韦斯特,Benson Jack Anthony,Matt Crook,Amelia Douglass,Paul Reichstein,Mark Saturno,Felicia Tassone,Adam Ovadia,Jessica Burgess,Jules Dawson,Guy Dow-Sainter,Dee Easton,Helen Geoffreys,Hannah Irwin,Melanie Lyons
    • 8.0 抢先版 邪教杀手 雪莱·亨尼格,爱丽丝·伊芙,欧文·弗热瑞,安东尼奥·班德拉斯,金·德隆基,尼克·邓宁,保罗·雷德,Matthew,Tompkins,夸库·福琼,帕特里克·布坎南,John,Wollman,Sophie,Amber,Chris,Mohan,Daire,McMahon,吉伦・麦格林,Aoife,Kelly,Daniel,Carlin
    • 1.0 正片 致命录像带 CalvinReeder,莱恩·休斯,亚当·温加德,HannahFierman,MikeDonlan,JoeSykes,DrewSawyer,汉娜·费尔曼,海伦·罗杰斯,凯特·林恩·希尔,西蒙·巴雷特,德鲁·莫尔莱恩
    • 5.0 HD 捍卫家园 杰奎琳·托博尼,迈克尔·奥尼尔,泰勒·贾克布·摩尔,克里斯托弗·麦克唐纳,肖恩·奥布赖恩,BlakeSheldon,TannerThomason,GregPerrow
    • 3.0 完结 替身 刘颖仪,洪天明
    • 9.0 HD 赤裸惊魂 格雷格·兰伯森,Joseph,Brian
    • 7.0 正片 狼吻夜惊魂 倪淑君,彭丹,王敏德,黄百鸣,朱洁仪,吴启明,
    • 10.0 已完结 国王游戏 熊井友理奈,铃木爱理,菅谷梨沙子,樱田通,吉泽瞳
    • 1.0 HD中字 死寂 唐尼·沃尔伯格,安贝·瓦莱塔,瑞恩·柯万腾,迈克尔·费尔曼,鲍勃·冈顿,劳拉·里根,凯尔·吉克瑞斯特,奥斯汀·马乔斯,斯蒂夫·亚当斯,恩·赖特尔
    • 2.0 HD中字 危笑 索茜·贝肯,凯尔·加尔纳,凯特琳·斯塔西,罗宾·薇格特,杰西·厄舍,卡尔·潘,朱迪·雷耶斯,凯文·凯皮,罗布·摩根,吉莲·珍塞尔,马蒂·马图利斯,朵拉·济丝,莎拉·卡普纳,马修·兰姆,杰里·洛布罗,谢维·古铁雷斯,梅兹·阿特伍德
    • 8.0 HD 道士出山2:伏魔军团 彭禺厶,朱佳希,谭渤霖,金梓壑
    • 7.0 HD中字 绝命圣诞夜 约翰·库萨克,John,Cusack,比利·鲍伯·松顿,Lara,Phillips


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